Concept and Art Direction for an Independent shortfilm

Last year I worked as art director for a new independent short film that combines traditional animation and stop motion, as art director, I was responsible for designing a smallvillage, the exteriors and interiors, also some accessoriesFinally I can upload some pictures because the film was made ​​for a festival in France and can not be showed to the public yet

This was the concept I used for houses

- You can check below the result and some pictures behind the scenes -
Remember click on "See more Images" 

Some Ilustration works!

[Watercolors on paper]

[Watercolors on paper]

[Ink on paper]

[Ink on paper]

[Ink on paper]

[Digital Ilustration]
[Juliana es Julieta] Vintage Mode
Some months before a friend from my college made this draw for me, his perspective of Juliana es Julieta aesthetic. Based on the draw, i made a Vintage illustration of it. Thank's Wlady!

At the end, i made some modifications and i think i like it more now! :)