New Store

Now you can buy my artwork at Society6 printed on canvas or paper, soon will be out some sticks for iphone and laptop.--
Ahora pueden comprar mis ilustraciones en Society6 , en lienzo o en papel ,próximamente sacaré sticks para iphone y laptop.

Llave de Luz [Painting] 
I made this portrait for my friend Ana Maria on her birthday, draw her made ​​me believe that I enjoy a lot doing this realistic things. I based the portrait on the idea of "Manimals" my first and comming exhibition, here's an appetizer of what will be. The painting is a mix of watercolors + pencil and woods sticks. Hope you like it.
Remember click on "See more Images" 

They Draw & Travel | Buenos Aires, Argentina , Map

They Draw & Travel contains the biggest and best collection of illustrated maps from around the world.  The creators [ Nate and Salli ] launched They Draw & Travel as a place for artists to express their passion for their favorite places to live and visit,and for readers to discover their creations. Heres is my submited piece, i made a summarized map of Buenos Aires, where im currently living.

I had a few problems, it was so difficult to me summarize a tons of things that you must to do and see in this beautiful, eclectic and varied city.

 You can see the original piece HERE  and if you like, have it printed in my shop at Society6.
Hope you like it :)

PD: I want to thank also to Buenos Aires, which has been my biggest inspiration in these 2years I've lived here.

Natalia & Oscar
Finally I made to my sister the portrait that she was asking me for a few months ago. I used watercolors and ink, dont know what hapen with the scan but the colors are not the same as the painting, so for that reason i uploaded this picture too.

My Sister Natalia and her boyfriend Oscar

I am currently working on what would be my first exhibition, many portraits of people, friends and family, with some surrealist ideas. Wait for more news soon.

HC Engineers, a Colombian engineering company, asked me to do some illustrations with the idea of  identify different areas of the office. Here's the result.

Sign for the Kitchen - Wash the dishes

Birthday Party - Illustration made ​​for the official birthday bulletin of the employees